International NGO, CNF commit a long term support for protected areas in three countries in Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaïdjan, Georgia).

The issues :

Follow sharply all financial streams from donor’s funding sources to the grantee paid org, track payments information to provide accurate reporting on all directions of the organisation.

Handled under Excel, the following points became critical :

  • Complex sharing of data between countries
  • Loss of data
  • Poor readability of complex spreadsheets and problems having multiple currencies
  • Difficulties to bind together data from different layers (budgets, grants and payments)
  • Missing of document management
  • Cost of time to setup reporting  (1 week for large reports)
  • Too many spreadsheet files 

The WebApp :

An audit of the market offers did show that existing ‘on the shelf’ solutions where way too far from what’s needed to be done or too complex to setup for an affordable price. 

CNF decided to have their own WebApp in order to fit perfectly their need.

  • Multi country
  • Multi currency
  • Multi language
  • Distant access and user role based management
  • Full audit trail
  • Inputs made by local people
  • Grant management from A to Z
  • Real time reporting
  • Document management (lots of documents, contracts, audits etc…)